Unka Burnie Speaks- The Horizon Will Appear.png

*Unka Burnie Speaks*

It was bitter sweet when our nest was finally empty. A new horizon was appearing. One my wife and I knew would come. But you know, when many children enter the State of maturity and stand on its ground, they don’t focus on the playing field they’re about to embark. Many rebel against spiritual and moral parental leadership, many reside with factious mutiny groups that stand on unbalanced ground, and many leave homes truly believing the words “I Got This!!!” Their eyes are focused on the carnal delicacies and the release form of parental infractions. Overlooking or refusing to think “Oh, I’ve never lived on my own before.”
Beloved, leaving or departing is never the actual headliner. The behind the scene topic that often get the lights dimmed is what effected the departure and how the departure was actually received. The same is true of our relationship with the Heavenly Father. Your relationship with Him will be the ticket punched to the next State grounds you stand on eternally. What our relationship with Him will predicate the horizon that will appear in all our lives. What ground of maturity are you standing on right now? What ground – spiritual or carnal? Are you saying: “I Got This?” Beloved before the lights are darkened and you enter the horizon to stand on the ground of your next State, don’t overlook or repudiate the ground you’re standing on currently. Maturity is a life long process. The heavenly Father will continue to grow His Children until He brings them home. Seek the Lord’s wisdom and truth and ask that He reveal “ANYTHING” holding you back from a beautiful relationship with Him. He wants to walk closely with you all of your days.
So, in 2019, if the horizon does appear, the Father wants to gladly say, “Welcome my good and faithful friend!!! The State and ground you now stand on is spiritually balanced.”
Bishop, W. F. Houston Jr. Avatar

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